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Data Set Group2: HZI Lung M430v2 (Apr08) modify this page

Data Set: HZI Lung M430v2 (Apr08) RMA modify this page
GN Accession: GN160
GEO Series: No Geo series yet
Organism: Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)
Group: BXD
Tissue: Lung mRNA
Dataset Status: Public
Platforms: Affy Mouse Genome 430 2.0 (GPL1261)
Normalization: RMA
Contact Information
Klaus Schughart
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research
Dept. Experimental Mouse Genetics Inhoffenstr. 7
Braunschweig, Braunschweig 38124 Germany
Tel. (49) 531-6181-1100
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Specifics of this Data Set:


Phase I of BXD lung transcriptome mapping project. Project organized by Drs. Robert Williams, Klaus Schughart, Lu Lu. Started November 29, 2008. There are total 70 samples in phase I including 50 BXD strains and 10 paired inbred strains.

 2011 May 2;12:61. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-12-61.

Genome-wide analysis of the mouse lung transcriptome reveals novel molecular gene interaction networks and cell-specific expression signatures.

Alberts R1, Lu LWilliams RWSchughart K.

Erratum in

  • Respir Res. 2012;13(1):5. 



The lung is critical in surveillance and initial defense against pathogens. In humans, as in mice, individual genetic differences strongly modulate pulmonary responses to infectious agents, severity of lung disease, and potential allergic reactions. In a first step towards understanding genetic predisposition and pulmonary molecular networks that underlie individual differences in disease vulnerability, we performed a global analysis of normative lung gene expression levels in inbred mouse strains and a large family of BXD strains that are widely used for systems genetics. Our goal is to provide a key community resource on the genetics of the normative lungtranscriptome that can serve as a foundation for experimental analysis and allow predicting genetic predisposition and response to pathogens, allergens, and xenobiotics.


Steady-state polyA+ mRNA levels were assayed across a diverse and fully genotyped panel of 57 isogenic strains using the Affymetrix M430 2.0 array. Correlations of expression levels between genes were determined. Global expression QTL (eQTL) analysis and network covariance analysis was performed using tools and resources in GeneNetwork http://www.genenetwork.org.


Expression values were highly variable across strains and in many cases exhibited a high heritability factor. Several genes which showed a restricted expression to lung tissue were identified. Using correlations between gene expression values across all strains, we defined and extended memberships of several important molecular networks in the lung. Furthermore, we were able to extract signatures of immune cell subpopulations and characterize co-variation and shared genetic modulation. Known QTL regions for respiratory infection susceptibility were investigated and several cis-eQTL genes were identified. Numerous cis- and trans-regulated transcripts and chromosomal intervals with strong regulatory activity were mapped. The Cyp1a1 P450 transcript had a strong trans-acting eQTL (LOD 11.8) on Chr 12 at 36 ± 1 Mb. This interval contains the transcription factor Ahr that has a critical mis-sense allele in the DBA/2J haplotype and evidently modulates transcriptional activation by AhR.


Large-scale gene expression analyses in genetic reference populations revealed lung-specific and immune-cell gene expression profiles and suggested specific gene regulatory interactions.

PMID:21535883 PMCID:PMC3105947 DOI:10.1186/1465-9921-12-61

About the cases used to generate this set of data:
Index Array Sample Strain Sex Age Color Pool Size Source
1 R4435LU.CEL R4435LU BXD100 F 64 black 2 UTM RW
2 R4436LU.CEL R4436LU BXD14 F 85 black 2 UTM RW
3 R4437LU.CEL R4437LU BXD34 F 58 black 5 UTM RW
4 R4438LU.CEL R4438LU BXD39 F 63 gray 3 UTM RW
5 R4439LU.CEL R4439LU BXD40 F 54 gray 3 ORNL
6 R4440LU.CEL R4440LU BXD45 F 60 dilute brown DBA 4 UTM RW
7 R4441LU.CEL R4441LU BXD50 F 64 dilute brown DBA 4 ORNL
8 R4442LU.CEL R4442LU BXD1 F 88 dilute brown DBA 3 UTM RW
9 R4443LU.CEL R4443LU BXD16 F 79 gray 3 ORNL
10 R4444LU.CEL R4444LU BXD12 F 61 gray 5 UTM RW
11 R4445LU.CEL R4445LU BXD21 F 50 dilute brown DBA 3 ORNL
12 R4446LU.CEL R4446LU BXD19 F 49 gray 3 ORNL
13 R4447LU.CEL R4447LU BXD27 F 85 brown 3 UTM RW
14 R4448LU.CEL R4448LU BXD31 F 81 black 3 UTM RW
15 R4449LU.CEL R4449LU BXD32 F 68 black 5 ORNL
16 R4450LU.CEL R4450LU BXD33 F 61 gray 2 ORNL
17 R4451LU.CEL R4451LU BXD42 F 65 black 2 UTM RW
18 R4452LU.CEL R4452LU BXD43 F 79 black 2 UTM RW
19 R4453LU.CEL R4453LU BXD45 F 60 dilute brown DBA 4 UTM RW
20 R4454LU.CEL R4454LU BXD55 M 80 brown 3 UTM RW
21 R4455LU.CEL R4455LU BXD56 M 91 black 3 UTM RW
22 R4456LU.CEL R4456LU BXD66 F 80 brown 3 UTM RW
23 R4457LU.CEL R4457LU BXD68 F 65 brown 4 UTM RW
24 R4459LU-re.CEL R4459LU BXD89 F 79 dilute brown DBA 2 UTM RW
25 R4460LU.CEL R4460LU BXD51 M 81 black 2 UTM RW
26 R4461LU.CEL R4461LU BXD97 F N/A N/A N/A N/A
27 R4462LU.CEL R4462LU BXD48 F 61 black 3 ORNL
28 R4463LU.CEL R4463LU BXD60 M 93 brown 2 UTM RW
29 R4464LU.CEL R4464LU BXD62 M 80 brown 2 UTM RW
30 R4465LU.CEL R4465LU BXD69 M 63 dilute brown DBA 5 UTM RW
31 R4466LU.CEL R4466LU BXD70 M 75 dilute brown DBA 3 UTM RW
32 R4467LU.CEL R4467LU BXD71 M 64 dilute brown DBA 4 UTM RW
33 R4468LU.CEL R4468LU BXD73 M 59 dilute brown DBA 3 UTM RW
34 R4469L.CEL R4469LU BXD75 M 51 dilute brown DBA 4 UTM RW
35 R4470L.CEL R4470LU BXD2 M 84 black 3 UTM RW
36 R4471H-re.CEL R4471LU BXD83 M 75 dilute brown DBA 2 UTM RW
37 R4472L.CEL R4472LU BXD84 M 78 dilute brown DBA 2 UTM RW
38 R4473LU.CEL R4473LU BXD86 M 77 black 3 UTM RW
39 R4474LU.CEL R4474LU BXD87 M 67 black 3 UTM RW
40 R4475LU.CEL R4475LU BXD9 M 78 dilute brown DBA 3 UTM RW
41 R4476LU.CEL R4476LU BXD90 M 63 dilute brown DBA 3 UTM RW
42 R4477LU.CEL R4477LU BXD65 M 59 brown 3 ORNL
43 R4478LU.CEL R4478LU BXD6 M 92 gray 3 UTM RW
44 R4479LU.CEL R4479LU BXD96 M 71 black 3 UTM RW
45 R4480LU.CEL R4480LU BXD97 M 80 brown 3 UTM RW
46 R4481LU.CEL R4481LU BXD98 M 80 dilute brown DBA 2 UTM RW
47 R4482LU.CEL R4482LU BXD99 M 72 dilute brown DBA 2 UTM RW
48 R4483LU.CEL R4483LU BXD22 M 66 gray 2 UTM RW
49 R4484LU.CEL R4484LU BXD25 M 54 brown 3 UTM RW
50 R4485LU.CEL R4485LU B6D2F1 M 62 black 5 UTM RW
51 R4486LU.CEL R4486LU B6D2F1 F 70 black 2 UTM RW
52 R4487LU.CEL R4487LU BALB/cByJ F 91 white 3 UTM RW
53 R4488LU.CEL R4488LU BALB/cByJ M 91 white 2 UTM RW
54 R4489LU.CEL R4489LU D2B6F1 F 61 black 2 UTM RW
55 R4490LU.CEL R4490LU D2B6F1 M 61 black 3 UTM RW
56 R4491LU.CEL R4491LU FVB/NJ F 62 white 5 UTM RW
57 R4492LU.CEL R4492LU FVB/NJ M 73 white 3 UTM RW
58 R4493LU.CEL R4493LU WSB/EiJ F 76 agouti 3 UTM RW
59 R4494LU.CEL R4494LU WSB/EiJ M 76 agouti 3 UTM RW
60 R4495LU.CEL R4495LU C57BL/6J F 65 black 3 UTM RW
61 R4496LU.CEL R4496LU C57BL/6J M 65 black 2 UTM RW
62 R4497LU.CEL R4497LU 129X1/SvJ F 65 white 4 JAX
63 R4498LU.CEL R4498LU 129X1/SvJ M 66 white 4 JAX
64 R4499LU.CEL R4499LU DBA/2J F 65 dilute brown DBA 3 ORNL
65 R4500LU.CEL R4500LU DBA/2J M 59 dilute brown DBA 2 JAX
66 R4501LU.CEL R4501LU LP/J F 65 agouti 4 JAX
67 R4502LU.CEL R4502LU LP/J M 65 agouti 4 JAX
68 R4503LU.CEL R4503LU SJL/J F 63 white 4 JAX
69 R4504LU.CEL R4504LU SJL/J M 65 white 4 JAX

About the tissue used to generate this set of data:

About the array platform:

About data values and data processing:


Experiment Type:



Data source acknowledgment:

Study Id:

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  • NIAAA Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism (U01 AA016662, U01 AA013499, U24 AA013513, U01 AA014425, 2006-2017)
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