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Data Set Group2: UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 NOS, NOE, RSS, and RSE data sets modify this page

Data Set: UTHSC BXD Hippocampus ILM v6.1 RSE Balanced (Feb17) RankInv modify this page
GN Accession: GN817
GEO Series: No Geo series yet
Organism: Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)
Group: BXD
Tissue: Hippocampus mRNA
Dataset Status: Public
Platforms: Illumina Mouse WG-6 v1, v1.1 (GPL6105)
Normalization: RankInv
Contact Information
Lu Lu
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
71 S. Manassas, Room 410K
Memphis, TN 38163 USA
Tel. 901 448-7557
Download datasets and supplementary data files

Specifics of this Data Set:

RSE = Restraint stress followed by an ethanol injection.

Index Array ID Condition Strain Sex Age
1 4060001088_B RSE BXD34 M 71
2 4256265042_E RSE BXD43 M 72
3 4256265052_B RSE BXD43 F 73
4 4256265051_A RSE BXD45 F 60
5 4256265070_F RSE BXD45 M 67
6 4207851041_D RSE BXD51 F 66
7 4207851058_C RSE BXD51 M 85
8 4207851035_F RSE BXD55 M 62
9 4207851041_E RSE BXD55 M 62
10 4060001082_D RSE BXD60 F 76
11 4256265043_D RSE BXD60 M 67
12 4256265043_E RSE BXD61 F 70
13 4256265087_E RSE BXD61 M 70
14 4060001010_C RSE BXD62 F 69
15 4207851027_A RSE BXD62 M 67
16 4207851027_C RSE BXD66 M 74
17 4060001011_C RSE BXD66 F 79
18 4207851049_D RSE BXD68 F 73
19 4256265071_F RSE BXD68 M 62
20 4060001011_D RSE BXD70 M 82
21 4256265044_D RSE BXD70 F 69
22 4060001078_F RSE BXD71 M 70
23 4207851027_D RSE BXD71 F 76
24 4060001075_A RSE BXD73 M 69
25 4256265073_C RSE BXD73 F 68
26 4256265063_A RSE BXD75 F 66
27 4256265083_F RSE BXD75 M 69
28 4256265083_E RSE BXD83 F 87
29 4256265085_B RSE BXD83 M 73
30 4256265071_E RSE BXD84 F 51
31 4256265086_D RSE BXD84 M 68
32 4256265085_A RSE BXD87 F 64
33 4256265086_E RSE BXD87 M 69
34 4256265026_A RSE BXD89 F 74
35 4256265057_D RSE BXD89 M 68
36 4060001075_B RSE BXD90 F 72
37 4256265086_F RSE BXD90 M 70
38 4207851014_E RSE BXD96 F 67
39 4256265063_D RSE BXD96 M 64
40 4060001096_C RSE BXD97 M 65
41 4256265062_D RSE BXD97 M 65
42 4256265023_E RSE BXD98 M 75
43 4256265063_F RSE BXD98 M 71
44 4256265058_A RSE BXD99 M 76
45 4256265026_B RSE BXD100 M 95
46 4207851040_A RSE BXD101 F 69
47 4060001031_F RSE DBA/2J M 76
48 4256265069_C RSE DBA/2J F 86


This is untreated control "Base" group gene expression data for the hippocampus of BXD strains of mice (n = 27 strains and n = 35 animals). These data NON data are useful as baseline for comparison with NOS, NOE, RSS, and RSE data sets. NON = NON = No stress and no saline control injection; NOS = No restraint stress and given only saline injections prior to sacrifice; NOE = No restraint stress and given an ethanol injection prior to sacrifice; RSS = short restraint stress (1 episode) followed by a saline injection; and finally, RSE = Restraint stress followed by an ethanol injection.

For more details on the precise experimental paradigm, please see Ziebarth et al 2010 or the original paper that used this paradigm by Kerns RT, Ravindranathan A, Hassan S, Cage MP, York T, Williams RW, Miles MF (2005) Ethanol-responsive brain region expression networks: implications for behavioral responses to acute ethanol in DBA/2J versus C57BL/6J mice. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2255-2266.

Restraint Stress Protocol

  1. Weigh animals all animals to be tested and record body weight.
  2. Bring animals into testing area at least one hour prior to testing. 9 a.m. The following steps will be done for three animals (in parallel) because we have three zero-mazes.
  3. Place animals in immobilization tubes for 15 minutes.
  4. Inject animals IP with saline OR ethanol* and return to home cages for 5 minutes. (Remember to counterbalance groups. All animals in one cage should not be assigned to same group).
  5. Place each animal into zero-maze for 10 minutes.
  6. Return animal to home cage.
  7. Exactly 4 hours after injection, kill animals and remove brains to RNAlater solution. Animals should be killed by rapid decapitation with scissors so that trunk blood can be collected at the same time for corticosteroid analysis.

Ethanol and saline injections
Ethanol will be mixed with saline : 12.5% v/v. 100 ml of solution = 87.5 ml of saline and 12.5 ml of ethanol. Animals receive an injection of 1.8 g/kg. Multiply animals’ body weight by 0.018 to get injection volume (i.e. 25 g mouse X .018 mL/g = 0.45mL injection volume).

"Adult mice were housed three to five to a cage with ad libitum access to standard rodent chow (Harlan Teklad, Madison, WI) and water in a 12 h dark/light cycle. All injections were intraperitoneal. Mice were given a saline injection once daily for 5 d to habituate them to the injection process. On day 6, mice received either an injection of saline or 20% ethanol in saline."

Data Quality: All five data have been error checked. Strain and sex assignments were verified and are correct. This was determined by analysis of approximately 20 "test Mendelian" probes such as that for Thumpd1 (ILM751048). These probes have very high LRS values and the expected strain distribution pattern given their chromosomal location. Expression of genes on X and Y chromosomes (such as Xist) were used to confirm sex.

Quality Control Data
Total cis eQTLs with LRS > 23 within 5 Mb, maximum cis eQTL LRS value and probe

  1. NON: 669 (n=27 BXDs), 86.5 for B3galt6 (ILM50195)
  2. NOS: 844 (n=28 BXDs), 100.2 for Telo2 (ILM4850047)
  3. NOE: 1186 (n=35 BXDs), 101.9 for Mela-associated pseudogene (ILM4850047)
  4. RSS: 725 (n=27 BXDs), 82.8 for Gpr116 (ILM105390524)
  5. RSE: 915 (n=29 BXDs), 100.6 for Casp9 (ILM60577)

Entered by Arthur Centeno, September 20, 2010.

Array data sets all generated by Dr. Lu Lu (2008 - 2009) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis.

Corresponding anxiety and ethanol response phenotypes generated by Dr. Melloni Cook and colleagues at the University of Memphis.

About the cases used to generate this set of data:

About the tissue used to generate this set of data:

About the array platform:

About data values and data processing:


Hippocampus 5 Conditions
Illumina Rank Invariant Normalized; Log2 Transformed and Z-Scored
Batch and Outlier Analysis on Partek Genomic Suite 6.6
ANOVA Done with batch (BATCH 1 AND 2); Batch effect removed
Outliers removed are: 4060001003_A, 4060001010_D, 4060001012_A, 4060001012_C, 4060001012_E, AND 4060001078_A
Number of samples = 284
Number of probes = 46643

  1. UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 5Trt (Nov12) RankInv LRS=(46 999)-> 1331
    ProbeSetID:ILM3440048 Gene:Cdkl2 Max LRS=192
  2. UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 NON (Nov12) RankInv LRS=(46 999)-> 219
    ProbeSetID:ILM6350725 Gene:C14orf119 Max LRS=97.8
  3. UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 NOS (Nov12) RankInv LRS=(46 999)-> 404
    ProbeSetID:ILM3440048 Gene:Cdkl2 Max LRS=106.6
  4. UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 NOE (Nov12) RankInv LRS=(46 999)-> 509
    ProbeSetID:ILM5270066 Gene:MGC67181 Max LRS=151
  5. UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 RSS (Nov12) RankInv LRS=(46 999)-> 415
    ProbeSetID:ILM5720687 Gene:Abhd16a Max LRS=121.7
  6. UTHSC Hippocampus Illumina v6.1 RSE (Nov12) RankInv LRS=(46 999)-> 421
    ProbeSetID:ILM6350725 Gene:C14orf119 Max LRS=144.1

Experiment Type:



Data source acknowledgment:

Study Id:

CITG Web services initiated January, 1994 as Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome; June 15, 2001 as WebQTL; and Jan 5, 2005 as GeneNetwork. This site is currently operated by Rob Williams, Pjotr Prins, Zachary Sloan, Arthur Centeno. Design and code by Pjotr Prins, Zach Sloan, Arthur Centeno, Danny Arends, Christian Fischer, Sam Ockman, Lei Yan, Xiaodong Zhou, Christian Fernandez, Ning Liu, Rudi Alberts, Elissa Chesler, Sujoy Roy, Evan G. Williams, Alexander G. Williams, Kenneth Manly, Jintao Wang, and Robert W. Williams, colleagues. Python Powered Registered with Nif
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  • NIA Translational Systems Genetics of Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Aging (R01AG043930, 2013-2018)
  • NIAAA Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism (U01 AA016662, U01 AA013499, U24 AA013513, U01 AA014425, 2006-2017)
  • NIDA, NIMH, and NIAAA (P20-DA 21131, 2001-2012)
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