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Data Set Group2: UTHSC BXD Harvested Liver RNA-Seq (Jan18) Log2 modify this page

Data Set: UTHSC BXD Harvested Liver RNA-Seq (Jan18) Log2 modify this page
GN Accession: GN843
GEO Series: No Geo series yet
Title: Multiomic Profiling of the Liver Across Diets and Age in a Diverse Mouse Population
Organism: Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)
Group: BXD-Longevity
Tissue: Liver mRNA
Dataset Status: Private
Platforms: SOLID-BasicGencode-Ensembl82-2015-10-02.bed
Normalization: RNA-seq
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RNA-Seq Log2


We profiled the liver transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome from 347 individuals from 58 isogenic strains of the BXD mouse population across age (7 to 24 months) and diet (low or high fat) to link molecular variations to metabolic traits. Several hundred genes are affected by diet and/or age at the transcript and protein levels. Orthologs of two aging-associated genes, St7 and Ctsd, were knocked down in C. elegans, reducing longevity in wildtype and mutant long-lived strains. The multiomics data were analyzed as segregating gene networks according to each independent variable, providing causal insight into segregating edges. Candidate hits were cross-examined in an independent Diversity Outbred mouse liver dataset segregating for similar diets, with ~80-90% of diet-related candidate genes found in common across datasets. Together, we have developed a large multiomics resource for multivariate analysis of complex traits and demonstrate a methodology for moving from observational associations to causal connections.

About the cases used to generate this set of data:

About the cases used to generate this set of data: All animal care was handled according to the NIH's Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and was also approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC). 2157 mice from 89 strains of the BXD family (including parents and both F1s) were followed in the colony. 159 animals were males and 1998 animals were females. Animals were maintained in the UTHSC vivarium in Specific Pathogen-Free (SPF) housing throughout the longevity experiment. The housing environment was a 12-hour day/night cycle in 20–24°C temperature with housing cages of 145 in2 with up to 10 animals per cage. Diets were either Harlan Teklad 2018 (CD; 24% calories from protein, 18% from fat, 58% from carbohydrates) or Harlan Teklad 06414 (HFD; 18.3% calories from protein, 60.3% from fat, 21.4% from carbohydrates). Water was Memphis city municipal tap water. Food and water were ad libitum. All animals were followed from their point of entry into the colony (typically around 5 months of age) until death. Animals were checked daily for morbidity and were weighed approximately every 2-3 months throughout their lives. 662 animals were sacrificed at specific ages for tissue collection across cohort (i.e. diet, strain, sex, and age). These 662 animals were selected for tissue harvest with the following aims: 2 animals per strain, diet, and age, for a target of 4 age points, i.e. up to a target maximum of 16 sacrificed animals per strain (2 replicates * 2 diets * 4 ages). Transcriptomics were acquired for 291 individuals, which had targeted data generation for 1 animal of each of the 309 cohorts (i.e of the 662 individuals, just over half had a biological replicate which was age, diet, strain, and sex-matched). The target ages were 7, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. Roughly every 3 months for the duration of the experiment, ~40 animals were selected for sacrifice, with approximately 15 animals sacrificed per day over the course of 3 or 4 continuous days. Animals were removed from the aging colony the night prior to sacrifice, but retained access to food and water.

CaseID Strain Diet Sex Age EarTag current GN-SampleID
062013.09 C57BL/6J HF F 544 514 H0514
091914.09 C57BL/6J CD F 537 1103 H1103
012615.26 C57BL/6J CD M 361 1590 H1590
102414.06 C57BL/6J HF F 182 1681 H1681
062013.12 D2B6F1 CD F 545 646 H0646
062013.13 D2B6F1 HF F 540 642 H0642
101713.20 D2B6F1 HF F 214 1150 H1150
101713.18 D2B6F1 CD F 210 1154 H1154
083016.07 DBA/2J CD F 764 1818 H1818
091914.05 DBA/2J HF F 549 1142 H1142
091914.07 DBA/2J HF M 544 1140 H1140
101713.10 DBA/2J CD F 212 1147 H1147
101713.11 DBA/2J HF F 212 1144 H1144
121214.29 B6D2F1 CD F 640 1227 H1227
012615.07 B6D2F1 CD F 552 1569 H1569
102616.04 B6D2F1 HF F 547 2288 H2288
102616.05 B6D2F1 HF F 547 2290 H2290
101713.13 B6D2F1 CD F 216 1223 H1223
101713.15 B6D2F1 HF F 216 1302 H1302
082214.11 BXD9 CD F 548 1006 H1006
082214.09 BXD9 HF F 548 1009 H1009
102616.12 BXD9 CD F 245 2577 H2577
083016.08 BXD24 HF F 688 2259 H2259
012615.19 BXD24 CD F 205 1792 H1792
012615.08 BXD29 CD F 724 1044 H1044
111314.10 BXD29 HF F 630 1037 H1037
061913.04 BXD29 HF F 577 669 H0669
111314.11 BXD29 CD F 574 1040 H1040
061913.01 BXD29 CD F 572 742 H0742
121515.05 BXD29 HF F 182 2349 H2349
101014.02 BXD32 HF F 539 1137 H1137
083016.01 BXD32 CD F 386 2494 H2494
042015.22 BXD32 CD F 200 2034 H2034
042015.20 BXD32 HF F 200 2030 H2030
101513.05 BXD34 CD F 554 765 H0765
101014.05 BXD34 HF F 537 1052 H1052
101513.02 BXD34 CD F 201 1054 H1054
101513.04 BXD34 HF F 197 1056 H1056
010614.06 BXD39 CD F 730 673 H0673
102414.02 BXD39 CD F 550 1322 H1322
121214.22 BXD39 HF F 350 1474 H1474
121214.21 BXD39 HF F 350 1473 H1473
061913.06 BXD40 CD F 578 680 H0680
121214.13 BXD40 HF F 358 1593 H1593
111314.05 BXD40 HF F 291 1488 H1488
102414.08 BXD40 CD F 180 1691 H1691
102414.12 BXD44 HF F 715 1687 H1687
012615.15 BXD44 CD F 379 1505 H1505
012615.12 BXD44 HF F 379 1501 H1501
042015.07 BXD44 CD F 240 1822 H1822
042015.10 BXD44 HF F 240 1825 H1825
121515.12 BXD45 CD F 507 1826 H1826
121515.15 BXD45 HF F 503 1940 H1940
012615.11 BXD45 CD F 384 1762 H1762
042915.13 BXD48 HF F 595 1377 H1377
121515.18 BXD48 CD F 518 1835 H1835
042015.24 BXD48 HF F 189 2046 H2046
042015.27 BXD48 CD F 188 2054 H2054
062013.06 BXD48a HF F 543 699 H0699
051112.05 BXD48a CD F 233 209 H0209
051112.04 BXD48a HF F 233 210 H0210
010614.07 BXD53 HF F 713 833 H0833
062013.16 BXD53 CD F 571 848 H0848
021213.14 BXD60 CD F 530 171 H0171
050912.08 BXD60 CD F 235 235 H0235
121515.23 BXD61 CD F 524 1841 H1841
121515.25 BXD61 HF F 524 1843 H1843
111414.02 BXD61 CD F 188 1770 H1770
111414.03 BXD61 HF F 188 1922 H1922
111414.04 BXD61 HF F 188 1722 H1722
082214.10 BXD62 HF F 548 1315 H1315
042915.19 BXD62 HF F 488 1434 H1434
121214.20 BXD62 CD F 353 1436 H1436
042015.05 BXD62 CD F 253 1847 H1847
102616.17 BXD63 HF F 752 2091 H2091
083016.03 BXD63 CD F 751 1872 H1872
121214.24 BXD63 CD F 344 1414 H1414
121214.26 BXD63 HF F 344 1416 H1416
090412.08 BXD63 CD F 218 818 H0818
111414.09 BXD63 HF F 186 1715 H1715
121615.09 BXD65 CD F 541 1787 H1787
121615.06 BXD65 HF F 541 1784 H1784
051012.01 BXD65 HF F 230 458 H0458
042015.13 BXD65 CD F 222 2098 H2098
121615.12 BXD65b CD F 527 1793 H1793
121615.11 BXD65b HF F 527 1790 H1790
111414.05 BXD65b CD F 187 1766 H1766
102414.18 BXD65b HF F 174 1713 H1713
121214.04 BXD66 HF F 367 1560 H1560
121214.19 BXD66 CD F 354 1558 H1558
042415.08 BXD66 CD F 184 2128 H2128
042415.05 BXD66 HF F 184 2124 H2124
082214.02 BXD68 CD F 545 1080 H1080
082214.08 BXD68 HF F 545 1290 H1290
101613.05 BXD68 CD F 201 1068 H1068
101613.08 BXD68 HF F 201 1071 H1071
061913.13 BXD69 CD F 558 591 H0591
121214.23 BXD69 HF F 528 1328 H1328
101613.09 BXD69 HF F 210 1087 H1087
042415.23 BXD69 CD F 157 2142 H2142
121615.14 BXD70 HF F 578 1728 H1728
121214.16 BXD70 CD F 357 1512 H1512
050115.06 BXD70 CD F 261 1855 H1855
051012.08 BXD70 HF F 239 188 H0188
121615.17 BXD73 CD F 539 1906 H1906
121214.10 BXD73 CD F 361 1451 H1451
121214.11 BXD73 HF F 361 1447 H1447
042015.18 BXD73 HF F 206 2071 H2071
050115.15 BXD73b CD F 497 1466 H1466
050115.12 BXD73b HF F 474 1545 H1545
051112.12 BXD73b CD F 238 184 H0184
051112.14 BXD73b HF F 237 183 H0183
121615.19 BXD77 HF F 511 1866 H1866
050115.17 BXD77 CD F 460 1398 H1398
061913.18 BXD79 HF F 571 583 H0583
050115.19 BXD79 CD F 468 1555 H1555
090412.10 BXD79 CD F 217 825 H0825
061913.19 BXD87 CD F 581 296 H0296
121615.21 BXD87 HF F 512 1945 H1945
051012.14 BXD87 HF F 241 243 H0243
090612.10 BXD87 CD F 200 550 H0550
101014.04 BXD89 HF F 539 1321 H1321
051112.01 BXD89 HF F 243 176 H0176
090612.14 BXD89 CD F 193 555 H0555
062013.03 BXD90 HF F 570 736 H0736
062013.02 BXD90 CD F 549 756 H0756
101613.19 BXD90 HF F 218 1093 H1093
102414.03 BXD90 CD F 188 1702 H1702
062013.17 BXD91 CD F 562 883 H0883
062013.19 BXD91 HF F 562 881 H0881
102414.20 BXD95 HF F 550 1273 H1273
101014.10 BXD95 CD F 536 1742 H1742
101613.21 BXD95 HF F 213 1275 H1275
012615.17 BXD98 CD F 384 1769 H1769
012615.16 BXD98 CD F 384 1524 H1524
111414.14 BXD99 CD F 535 1354 H1354
050914.05 BXD99 HF F 182 1355 H1355
111314.15 BXD100 CD F 567 1190 H1190
050914.04 BXD100 HF F 537 1187 H1187
051112.07 BXD100 CD F 223 247 H0247
051112.08 BXD100 CD F 223 248 H0248
042415.12 BXD100 HF F 176 2085 H2085
102616.20 BXD101 CD F 756 2114 H2114
042715.19 BXD101 HF F 493 1422 H1422
111414.20 BXD101 CD F 349 1425 H1425
051112.09 BXD101 CD F 223 468 H0468
042915.01 BXD102 CD F 501 1499 H1499
121214.07 BXD102 HF F 366 1498 H1498
053014.01 BXD102 CD F 183 1363 H1363
052814.04 BXD102 HF F 183 1361 H1361

About the tissue used to generate this set of data:

Tissue collection started at approximately 9 am with the anesthetic Avertin used via intraperitoneal injection of 0.2 mL per 10 g of body weight. Animals were perfused with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline. The liver was the first organ harvested. The gall bladder was removed, the liver weighed, and then immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen in 20 mL scintillator vials. Roughly 20 mg of pre-pulverized liver tissue was mixed with 1 mL of TRIzol reagent at 4°C for RNA extraction. The sample was then further homogenized in TRIzol with a metallic bead for 2x30s at 25 Hz. The homogenate was transferred to a new tube (without the bead) and 200 µL of chloroform was added and mixed. Samples were centrifuged at 12,000g for 15 minutes at 4°C. ~400 µL of the clear top phase was taken and added to a tube with 400 µL isopropanol, followed by vortexing and the same centrifugation. The RNA pellet was observed and the liquid was discarded. The RNA pellet was resuspended in ethanol by pipetting, then the samples were centrifuged again. The ethanol was removed and the sample was air dried and quantified by Nanodrop. Next, samples were cleaned up using the RNEasy MinElute kits (Qiagen) as per manufacturing instructions.

About the array platform:

RNA-seq and RNA integrity (RIN) checks were performed by an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, and samples with RIN ≥ 6 were retained for RNA-seq, which was run on a NovoGene HiSeq 3000 with 150 bp end paired reads after polyA+ enrichment at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center transcriptomics platform. Samples were measured with an average of 24±2.7 million reads (mean±standard deviation).

About data values and data processing:

Raw fastq files were aligned to the reference mouse genome using STAR version 2.6.0c, using the UCSC genome assembly version GRCm38 (mm10). An average of 86.4±2.6% of reads were mapped per sample. Reads were counted using RSeQC version 2.6.4. Read counts were normalized to RPKM values using gene lengths from ENSEMBL82 v2015-10-02. All RNA-seq data were then scaled by adding 1 to the normalized counts and then taking the log2.


Experiment Type:

RNA sequencing



Data source acknowledgment:

Study Id:

CITG Web services initiated January, 1994 as Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome; June 15, 2001 as WebQTL; and Jan 5, 2005 as GeneNetwork. This site is currently operated by Rob Williams, Pjotr Prins, Zachary Sloan, Arthur Centeno. Design and code by Pjotr Prins, Zach Sloan, Arthur Centeno, Danny Arends, Christian Fischer, Sam Ockman, Lei Yan, Xiaodong Zhou, Christian Fernandez, Ning Liu, Rudi Alberts, Elissa Chesler, Sujoy Roy, Evan G. Williams, Alexander G. Williams, Kenneth Manly, Jintao Wang, and Robert W. Williams, colleagues. Python Powered Registered with Nif
GeneNetwork support from:
  • The UT Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics
  • NIGMS Systems Genetics and Precision Medicine project (R01 GM123489, 2017-2021)
  • NIDA NIDA Core Center of Excellence in Transcriptomics, Systems Genetics, and the Addictome (P30 DA044223, 2017-2022)
  • NIA Translational Systems Genetics of Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Aging (R01AG043930, 2013-2018)
  • NIAAA Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism (U01 AA016662, U01 AA013499, U24 AA013513, U01 AA014425, 2006-2017)
  • NIDA, NIMH, and NIAAA (P20-DA 21131, 2001-2012)
  • NCI MMHCC (U01CA105417), NCRR, BIRN, (U24 RR021760)
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